Paul Quinlan
Yell Dog was set up by Paul Quinlan, a qualified home office police dog instructor with 20+ years experience as operational police dog handler, 12 years as police dog instructor at Greater Manchester Police Dog Training Unit, including running their breeding and puppy training scheme.
Following his retirement he remained with Greater Manchester Police Dog Training Unit focusing on training, breeding and the selection of police dogs. As well as operational German Shepherds used to find and detain offenders (tracking being one of the skills relied on), Paul also trained specialist search dogs including Spaniels, Labradors and Pointers.
When Paul began his involvement with training dogs the methods used were ‘old school’ and relied heavily on compulsion. Paul saw that reward and motivational techniques were not only more acceptable, but produced far superior results.
Paul appeared in the TV documentary Send in the Dogs, leading pursuit tracking for police dog handlers (Season 2, Episode 6).
Having also been responsible for purchasing equipment for Great Manchester Police, Paul now supplies equipment mainly from Klin and Bende, two renowned manufacturers for over 30 years on the continent. Yell Dog is the sole UK supplier of Bende products.